Customer Management
This document will help you learn how to manage your subscribed customers, view their subscriptions and their past transactions.
To view all subscribed customers on your store, go to Apps –> Rebillia –> Customers (top panel).
Here you will be able to see all customers that have an active subscription on your store. The list will feature (1)Their Name, (2)Email, (3)Number of Active Subscriptions and (4)Closest Next Delivery. See example below:
By Clicking on a Customer’s Name or on the Settings button to the right, you will be able to view in depth information regarding this customer and their subscriptions, such as: (1)Next Delivery, (2)Customer Status, (3)Subscriptions and (4)Past Subscription Transactions. See example below:
From within this interface, the merchant can choose and edit each of the customer’s subscription details. Follow the images below to see what exactly the merchant can edit in each subscription.
1. Product Information: The merchant can select to change anything in the product specs, from Quantity through every option selected in the product.
2. Upcoming Deliveries: Depending on the type of subscription the customer has opted in to (“frequency based” or “day/date based”), the merchant could edit their next charge date.
Frequency Based Subscription will allow the merchant to select a date from a calendar when their next subscription charge will start. From that date forward, the subscription will continue according to the set frequency.
3. Prices: will allow the merchant to edit and override both the product price and the shippin rate applied on this specific subscription.
4. Shipping and Payment Information: will allow the merchant to change the shipping address and the payment card (from the customer’s wallet) on the subscription.
5. Email Notification: will allow the merchant to select if they want to send those changes over to the customer in an email or not.