Subscription Mailing System

Rebillia offers summary and notification emails to both merchants and subscribers. Below you will be able to see what is available, how it looks and how it’s done.

Merchant Emailing System:

Rebillia will send an email to the merchant with daily summary of all Recurring Orders. The summary will categorize the orders under 3 types: Successful, Declined and Errors. For each type, Rebillia will let you know the number of orders related to the type and the total revenue of those orders. See an example of the email below:

In the Rebillia app interface, you will be able to see a notification icon on the top-right corner. It has two statuses: Active (), when you have new notifications, and Inactive (), when you have no new notifications. This is where you will be able to find more detailed information about Errored Orders.

Subscriber Emailing System:



Rebillia offers a fully functioning subscription driven emailing system. We have 7 different emails that will be sent automatically, upon your approval, to the customer and you (if you want).

To navagate to your Rebillia emailing system, go to the Rebillia app –> Click on your name on the top-right corner –> Click Settings. In the settings page, click on the tab saying “Email Notifications”. It will look like this:

The 7 available emails are as described above. New SubscriptionCustomer Subscription Update Subscription Reminder , Subscription Cancellation Confirmation , Skipped Delivery(ies) ConfirmationCredit Card Expiration Reminder and PayPal Billing Agreement.

Each email has it’s own template and can be set up to be sent to a different email address of your choice. By clicking on the gear button to the right side of the email, you will be able to View TemplateEdit Template and access emailing Settings.

The Edit Template works as following:


The first box, Subject, would be the subject of the email sent to the customer. We’d recommend going with something like “Thank you for subscribing to..” or “Your Subscription Confirmation”, but you can go with anything you would like to!

The second box, Body, has 2 boxes in it. The first box holds our already made template for you to edit it if you want to and have basic knowledge in HTML coding. The second box works as a ‘plain text’ mode email, which just like MailChimp (or other mailing softwares) would provide an email with the text you have entered in the box. No logos, headers, footers or design.

To help you create the best custom emails, we have created a supporting document that lists all the email variables available for you. Go to Email Variables doc.

The Settings works as follows:

Status  – Check or uncheck the box if you want to enable / disable this email.

‘FROM’ Email Address – This is the email address that the email will be sent from to your customers.

BCC Email Address – This is optional for the merchant to enter an email of their own and receive copies of the emails sent to the customers.

HTML Email – Keep this checked to use the HTML email tamplate. If you uncheck this box – the “plain text” email will be sent according to what is entered in it in the Edit Template interface. EVEN IF IT’S EMPTY!