Create New Subscription

Follow this section to learn step-by-step how to create a new subscription for your products. Please follow the “Subscription Intervals” documentation before following the steps below, as it is the first step for creating a subscription for your product.


After you have created your subscription intervals for your product, follow the instructions below:

Important note: As SKUs and Rules are attached to the applied option set on the product, applying a subscription to a product will change the option set on the product, thus delete ALL SKUs and Rules applied on the product. To prevent the loss of SKUs / Rules on subscription products – follow our “Import/Export SKUs” documentation.

Step 1:

Go to Apps –> Rebillia –> Subscriptions (on the top panel). Click on “+ Add New Subscription”.

Step 2:

Configure the subscription product:

  • 1. Choose the product that the plan would be assigned to.
  • 2. Select the wanted intervals for the plan from your pre-made interval bank.

Step 3:

Configure the subscription rules and functionalities:

Recurring Prices
By default, Rebillia takes all prices from the original order the customer has placed. This section will allow you to apply different base prices to your subscriptions.

For example, if you sell an SEO service – you can say “pay $400 today to initiate your account and then pay $50 every month to maintain the account”. The product’s price in your store would be $400, and in Rebillia’s settings – the recurring price would be set to $50.

Special Pricing Rules (Loyalty, Expiration & Prepaid)

This section allows you to further customize your subscription, offering flexible lifetime / price changes to your subscribers according to their subscription purchase history. With this functionality, you could apply rules such as “Every 4th order free” or create pre-paid subscriptions with or without auto renewals.

Important to note that only one program can be applied per subscription product, per rule. That means that you will not be able to offer multiple different lengths of prepaid subscriptions (3,6,9 & 12 month prepaid all on the same product), or multiple loyalty discounts (every 3rd order 25% off & a free order once a year). 

Cutoff / Preparation
For merchants using our “Subscription by day/date”, Rebillia provides the ability to add cutoff, or what we call “Preparation Days”.

With this functionality, you will be able to set an X amount of days before the charge happens and manage new subscribers that enter within this period. For example, if you charge your subscription every 10th of the month and need 7 days to prepare your subscriptions – anyone who purchases a subscription between the 3rd and the 10th will enter the subscription for next month and not for this month to prevent them getting charged twice within the same week.

Retry Settings
Failing subscription charges is something that everyone should be prepared to deal with. Rebillia offers an in-depth system to allow you to select exactly how would you like to deal with failed subscription transactions.

With this system, you will be able to select how many times would you like Rebillia to retry a failed subscription, at what frequency should we retry them and what to do with the subscription if it still fails at the end of the process.

Customer Groups
Tighten up the connection between Rebillia and your environment by adding/removing customers from pre-created customer groups that will provide them with special accesses, group discounts and more.

With this functionality, you will be able to offer the most widely used feature of “membership benefits”. When they subscribe, they join a customer group that gives them a special discount (10% off all store / free shipping on all orders etc..). When their subscription is terminated, Rebillia will move them to another group and releave them of their special benefits.

Note that not all functionalities will be available on all Rebillia accounts. Contact our team if you’d like to use a functionality that is not available on your account.

Step 4:

Review all the information that you have entered in the overlay. If the information is correct – click the “Save” button on the bottom and Rebillia will create the subscription plan for this product automatically.