Create new REmail Campaign

Follow this documentation page to learn how to create a REmail campaign.

Before creating a campaign – please make sure you have read and completed the “SKU Mapping” documentation.

After you have all the necessary products’ SKUs mapped properly, follow the steps below to create a campaign:

Nativate to your Rebillia app from BigCommerce’s back-end, click on the “Campaigns” link from the top navigation bar and then click on the “CREATE CAMPAIGN” button on the top-right corner of the page.

Step 1

In the first section of the overlay, you will fill up 3 fields.

  1. 1. Display / Internal Name – This is the identifier for you, the merchant, to understand which campaign is it. This will also show in the triggered campaign “Queue” (discussed here) to know which emails are waiting to be sent.
  2. 2. Campaign Title – This is the title line that will show in the email. For example: “Saving Is Beautiful”.
  3.  3. Campaign Subtitle – This the subtitle line that will show in the email. For example: “Save up to $60 on select products”.

Step 2

In this step, you will select the SKUs that when purchased, will trigger the campaign. You can select as many SKUs from as many different products as you want.

  1. 1. Find the Parent Product – by starting to type in the name of the product. Rebillia will find it in your catalog.
  2. 2. Select the SKUs you want to use – by checking their boxes.
  3.  3. Confirm the SKUs – by clicking on “Add Selected Products”.

Step 3

In this step, you will select the SKUs that will be sent as purchase offers in this campaign. You can select as many SKUs from as many different products as you want.

  1. 1. Find the Parent Product – by starting to type in the name of the product. Rebillia will find it in your catalog.
  2. 2. Select the SKUs you want to use – by checking their boxes.
  3.  3. Confirm the SKUs – by clicking on “Add Selected Products”.

Step 4

Select the timing this email will be sent according to. You have 2 options:

  1. 1. Time Delay – How many days do you want Rebillia to wait before we send the email? (If your product is a 30 day supply, think of sending after 30 days).
  2. 2. Scheduled Campaign – Want to make a Halloween / Xmas offer? – Just put in a scheduled date.

Step 5

This is an optional step where you can choose to add a coupon offer to the campaign. The coupons will follow the same coupon rules as BigCommerce offers them.

Dont forget to click save…