Subscriptions Made Smarter

With Rebillia’s enterprise-class subscription management solution.

Our Signature DNA

Uncompromising on the most important things! Your success is our success..


No Duplicate Products

Offer subscriptions on your already available products. No need to open new product for each frequency.

Robust, Scalable Platform

We don’t put a cap on success. Rebillia is built, suited and ready to process any amount of subscription orders.

PCI Compliance Level 1

Security is our outmost priority, so we keep our system and your information optimized under PCI-DSS regulations.

No Redirection

Everything happens under your store’s URL. No external accounts, not for you and not for your shoppers.

Seamless In-Store Integration

Rebillia keeps clarity and usability on your store by inheriting your store’s style and design.

Easy Plan Setup

Let Rebillia do the hard lifting and only set up the plan with our plug and play subscription plan creator.

Risk Free With No Contract

Rebillia was built with the merchant in mind. We are so sure of your success, our ability and reliability – that we don’t need to contract!

Enjoy Rebillia 14 days risk-free, and cancel whenever you want.

Risk Free With No Contract

Rebillia was built with the merchant in mind. We are so sure of your success, our ability and reliability – that we don’t need to contract!

Enjoy Rebillia 14 days risk-free, and cancel whenever you want.

Subscription Types

Subscription Types

Rebillia offers several effective ways to create subscription plans to fit exactly what you want to offer

Free Trial Subscriptions

Ship a free sample upon signing up, and if the customer does not cancel, they will automatically enter a subscription plan.

Capped Subscription

Not everything lasts forever. Create subscriptions with a pre determined purchase cap.

Ongoing subscription

Somethings last forever. Let your customers subscribe and forget about needing to purchase ever again.

Subscription by Frequency

Allow your customers to subscribe to products on your store on a frequency based time-frame (i.e “every 1 week”).


Subscription by Day

Allow your customers to subscribe to products on your store by the day of the week (i.e “send every Monday”).


Subscription by Date

Allow your customers to subscribe to products on your store by the date of the month (i.e “send every 10th”).


Down Payment Subscriptions

Charge a certain, different, amount on the day of signing up, and then run a normal subscription.

Monthly Mystery Order

Shirt of the week? Wine of the month? Create a subscription plan to control your inventory and pre production.

Pre Paid Subscription

Allow your shoppers to pre-pay for a bulk of products, and get them month by month until they reach their cap.

Expiration Subscription

Your product will not be available for ever? Set an expiration date for the plan and charge up to that date.

Product Kit Subscription

Create a collective plan made of several pre determined products to let your customers subscribe more than 1 product.

Cut-off Time Subscription

Great for specially made/ordered products that you don’t have in normal inventory. Be ready for next month’s customers.

Smart Recurring (TMPAC Wave)

Rebillia is built for fluctuating subscriptions, Liquidating variables like time, money, products, addresses and customers.

Layaway Capability

Utilizing our smart subscription software, you can modify a subscription plan to a fully functional Layaway program.

Rental / Leasing Capability

Unleash the full power of property management, car rentals and more.. pre apply today.

*Not all functionalities are available for all platforms. Contact Rebillia for more information.

Wherever you are, Whenever you are

“Rebillia: Recurring Orders” works for you 24/7/365.

Back-End Controls

Back-End Controls

Rebillia offers several effective ways to create subscription plans to fit exactly what you want to offer

Easy Installation

Rebillia offers full installation services under our Basic/Pro setup services. Get Rebillia started within 1-2 hours.


Inventory Control

Rebillia will know to alert you for low or insufficiant inventory for products under near future subscription charges.

Custom Pricing

Apply any Ruses or Discounts that you want on any subsciption product that yo want.

Notification System

Send and receive custom made email notifications from our system for a variety of scenarios.

Plan 6 months ahead

Predicting future inventory needs is not a problem when Rebillia calculates 6 months ahead with your current inventory levels.

Expedite Shipping

Ship a subscribed product at your own will. Make it once or change the whole plan’s shipping dates at once.

Cancel Subscription

We let you have the last word about your subscribers, and if you need to – you can also cancel a subscription at will.

Put Subscription On Hold

Customer on vacation? Don’t cancel their subscription, just put it on hold for them to return.


Get the insights you need to maximize the profitability of your subscription plans and make the most of your customers.

Change Card on Subscription

Choose any card on file on your customers’ account and its correct billing address and attach it to an active subscription.


Change Shipping Address

Customer needs the product to be shipped to a different address this month? Easily edit the customer’s address.


Change Subscription Frequency

Customers may need time to optimize the frequency they receive their products. Edit the frequency according to their needs.


Custom Subscription Start Date

Delay or Expidite your customers’ subscriptions starting date and take control of easy time-management.


Subscription Permissions

Take full control over your customers’ subscriptions by giving or taking subscription control away from them.


Automatic Status Updating

Configure Rebillia to follow a set of rules to deal with unpaid subscription balances and take automatic actions.


Subscription Auto-Grouping

Organize and/or offer special benefits for your subscribers by relating subscriptions with customer groups.


Retry System

Configure a fully automated system to retry failed subscription charges and update subscription statuses.


Cut-off / Preparation Days

Set up cut-off / preparation days for your Day/Date based subscriptions to allow enhanced control on your inventory.


Advanced Subscription Tracking

Follow each step and action your customers take on their subscription listing.


Activate/Re-Activate Subscribers

Subscribe customers without the need for them to purchase the product and re-activate previously cancelled subscription listings.



Rebillia offers live tracking for the most important data of your subscriptions. Stay in the know. Plan ahead.


Exportable Reports

Over a dozen different pre-made, exportable, executive reports. Customers, Products, Transactions and more..


Role Based Users

Easily compartmentalize your business by assigning staff memebers to one of our pre-made roles – or create your own.


Your Time - No Problem!

Configure your time zone and preferred hour in a day to have your subscriptions processed.

*Not all functionalities are available for all platforms. Contact Rebillia for more information.

Customer Interface

Customer Interface

Rebillia offers several effective ways to create subscription plans to fit exactly what you want to offer

Expedite Shipping

Choose to get the product today, without affecting the cycle of the subscription.

No Redirection

Get all the controls for your subscriptions, without any external accounts or payment redirections.

View Future Orders

See your future automated purchases for the next 6 months.

Cancel Subscription

Cancel any subscription that you do not want to have on your account anymore.

Put Subscription On Hold

Put the products on hold, without cancelling the subscription.

Change Payment Method

Update the credit card attached to any subscription you have signed up for.

More of the same?

The customer can easily change the quantity of the product they ordered on subscription to get the ammount they need.


Skip an Order

Should the merchant want to allow – customers can select dates from their delivery schedule and skip them.


Change Shipping Date

Should the merchant want to allow – customers can edit their next or all shipping dates for the subscription.


Update Subscription Preferences

The customer wants a different color? a bigger bag? more of the same? They can easily edit any variable in their subscription.


Change Shipping Address

Customers can easily change shipping addresses on their subscription according to their location in the world.


Change Subscription Frequency

Rebillia allows customers to optimize their subscriptions by changing the frequency which they receive their products on.

*Not all functionalities are available for all platforms. Contact Rebillia for more information.


Additional Capabilities


Additional Capabilities

Rebillia offers several effective ways to create subscription plans to fit exactly what you want to offer

Suited To Bundle

Add our ‘Saved Credit Card’ software for a fuller software and a more complete, up do date store.

Custom API

Have a store that is not on BigCommerce? Rebillia will let you connect any store, software or service with API. Coming soon.

Work With More Than 1 Gateway

Have different gateways for different products? No Problem! Connect multiple compatible gateways at once.

Use Vaulted Card Ability

subscribing for a second product (and on) will show saved credit card from older subscription

Change Payment Method

Prevent declined transactions by changing and updating payments on file for your customers’ subscriptions.

Easy upgrade

Moving from one plan to another is easy and doesn’t come with downtime or interruptions.

*Not all functionalities are available for all platforms. Contact Rebillia for more information.

Start Your Subscription Power House